I am a PepeGusto Lover ❤

For over 7 years we have been selecting exclusive Italian products and delivering them to your home.


Cris - UK

Excellent quality products and excellent service

Sheila - CA

Excellent customer service, and good communication.
My son and daughter-in-law loved the Easter egg is beautiful ,thank-you.

Glauco - US

Amazing customer service and great products from the Bella Italia , thanks for all

Michael - GB

Some delay with the order. But everything arrived in the end worth waiting for.

Carolyn - US

I was very pleased with my purchases.very good quality.

Mark - GB

Really good quality products, packed well, and sent fresh from country of origin. This was not my first, nor will be my last purchase.

100% Made in Italy

Italian Cheeses

We have selected the best Italian cheeses (Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Sardo, Goat Cheese & More).
Every day we ship them freshly cut from Italy to your table.


And what better than pasta represent the italian culinary tradition? We have selected the perfect Artisan products for you.
Pasta of Gragnano, Marche and Toscana

Olive Oil

We have selected the best Italian extra virgin olive oil. Small producers who passionately create a high quality product. 
You will find Organic and PDO.


We are Italian at heart, with a worldwide spirit.
We are lovers of food, but not whatever you find on a table.

We search and select for you the best small producers through the Italian territory, those who make certified high quality products and don’t want to compromise with the big multinational food corporations.

Do you feel our passion?
Come on, open PepeGusto pantry and start your Italian Culinary Experience. 
